CIVILSCAPES ENGINEERING provides consulting services for commercial developments ranging from single store to regional shopping centers. The goal of a commercial development is to design an optimal environment for delivery of goods and services to consumers. The first step in reaching this goal is to design the optimal site plan and building configuration. Keys to a successful development include:

  1. Visibility, access, and parking (especially for small retail centers)
  2. For urban centers more emphasis is placed on streetscape, and pedestrian connectivity.
  3. Ingress/Egress, suitable driveway locations, and left turn lanes
  4. Ideal slope for sufficient drainage but not too much slope for runaway shopping carts and heavy car doors.
  5. ADA Access with compliant handicap parking.
  6. Effective stormwater management to address increases in runoff due to large amounts of land covered by building and pavement.
  7. Attractive landscaping and shading

CIVILSCAPES ENGINEERING provides consulting services for office developments including: typical office, garden office, flex space, and mixed-use. The goal of an office development is to design an efficient development at the market price. Keys to a successful development include:

  1. Visibility, signage curb appeal
  2. Buildings should be adaptable to meet changing demands of tenants
  3. Cost considerations of below- or above- grade parking
  4. Encourage connectivity to nearby restaurants, retail, and entertainment areas
  5. ADA Access with compliant handicap parking.
  6. Effective stormwater management to address increases in runoff due to large amounts of land covered by building and pavement.
  7. Landscape design to create attractive break spaces and minimize noise, wind and glare

CIVILSCAPES ENGINEERING provides consulting services for industrial developments including: manufacturing, warehouse, flex, multi-tenant, office/tech, freight and telecom. Keys to a successful development include:

  1. Flexible site layout to accommodate new buildings, circulation and lot layouts for changing market conditions
  2. Phased development due to changing market conditions.
  3. Appropriate utility service due to high demands for water, sewer and electrical.
  4. Sufficient space truck turning radius and circulation
  5. ADA Access with compliant handicap parking.
  6. Effective stormwater management to address increases in runoff due to large amounts of land covered by building and pavement.
  7. Landscape design to create buffer for adjoining residential or low-density areas.

CIVILSCAPES ENGINEERING provides consulting services for residential developments ranging from single custom homes to subdivisions and multifamily buildings. The goal of residential developments is to provide an end product that will attract the target buyers. Keys to a successful development include:

  1. Maximize the value of all properties by providing amenities, open space, and views.
  2. Consideration of curved streets and cul-de-sacs vs grid network of streets.
  3. Consideration of public vs private infrastructure
  4. Cost considerations of below- or above- grade parking for multifamily buildings
  5. ADA Access with compliant handicap parking for apartments
  6. Effective stormwater management to protect residential structures
  7. Landscape design to create buffer for adjoining streets and higher-density areas.

CIVILSCAPES ENGINEERING provides consulting services for various types of mixed-use developments. Keys to successful mixed-use developments include a combination of factors specific to each use.


CIVILSCAPES ENGINEERING provides consulting services for various types of resort & institutional projects. Keys to a successful development include:

  1. Maximize the value of all properties by providing amenities, open space, and views.
  2. Provide adequate parking
  3. Landscape design to create attractive spaces and minimize noise, wind and glare
  4. ADA Access with compliant handicap parking